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  • coachivona

How to change the world?! 10 ways you can do that.

Updated: Jul 29

The world we are living in today is a terrifying place. Just a look at the news and it seems like everything is always getting worse. What we can do? We can start with ourselves.

Do all that you can to make this place a better place to live.

How we can do that?

If I said that the world is currently suffering and it needs our #help, would you agree with me?

Poverty, the climate crisis, conflicts all over the world, mental health: these are just a couple of examples of a world that needs our help.

While this list can go on and on, I'm going to focus on the #positives today. Mainly, how can we help make the world a better place? What can we do to help the #world, as an individual? Even though our own actions can sometimes feel insignificant when looking at the big picture, we still have the power to change the world for the better.

If we start with something small, and many people decide to help, then we can make a difference that will affect the world. Even small #changes can affect the world because a small idea can influence other ideas, and influence others to want to help as well. Each person in the world should find a way to use their talents and knowledge to help our world.

Take an honest look at the challenging state of the world, reflect, and discover opportunities to create a new future where you have a key role to play.

I will share with you ten relatively simple ways to make the world around you a better place. They may not seem like much, but by taking a look inward, changing your perspective, and putting out positive energy, you can change the world.

1. Start changing yourself

If you want to change the life around you, you have to start with yourself.

Humans are not meant to stop growing. In fact, no living thing on earth should stop growing. Progress is important and that's why, if we want to change the world, we should first look at what traits and habits we need to change in order to help ourselves and others.

Progress = growth.

2. The Golden Rule: Treat others how you want to be treated

Learning to treat others how you want to be treated is a great way to create healthy relationships while working on yourself to be a better person. Nobody deserves to be treated poorly, find something good in everyone and focus on that more than the negative, and treat people and yourself with respect.

3. Help others unconditionally

Be altruistic. Helping others is one of the noblest acts that can be done by humans. There are hundreds of ways we can help people and most of them don't even involve money. Give much more than you ever expect to receive. If you do that, you will be in a position where you never have scarcity. Abundance will come to you from everywhere and in different ways. Life is about contributing positively to the world and you can be the one to do that.

4. Volunteer to cause you to care about

Volunteering your time to support a cause you are passionate about is something you will never regret. Helping your community is an opportunity for you to grow as a person, it’s also important for your community! There are so many important causes out there that always need volunteers to support the work they’re doing.

5. Donate it

Donating clothes, food, or money to people in need is one of the simplest ways to make the world a better place.

6. Don't judge

Let's stop judging each other.

We can so easily judge others, without actually knowing what they're dealing with at the moment.

The least amount of judging we can do, the better off we are.

Paulo Coelho said: "We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation. So judge less, accept more, and restore your happiness."

7. Less social media, more real life

Social Media has changed our lives completely, people communicate so much more through the keyboard instead of picking up the phone. There are some benefits from social media (building your brand, educational purposes, connection with new people, etc..), but a lot of disadvantages as well (Social isolation, a tool for bullying, increase anxiety and depression, etc..)

We all need some social media break to unplug and improve our life.

Go talk with friends without a phone, check open markets and socialize with locals, invite friends, and do some activities in nature. By doing that you can inspire others to do the same and make something good for everyone, including yourself.

8. Spread happiness

Sometimes just a simple smile with a stranger or friend can help brighten up their day.

This is the best way to spreading happiness and you know what it turns out #HAPPINESS is contagious.

There is always a reason to make you smile and sharing this with others can fulfill your potential.

9. Practice gratitude

Practicing gratitude has incredible effects on our life. It can improve our mental and physical health, build better and stronger relationships, decrease depression, etc. Gratitude also inspires us to perform kind acts for others. Gratitude is the key to a happy life and should be continuous, and practiced daily.

10. Take care of our new generation

And last but not least, helping and guiding our children to find the right path.

The youngest one in our lives looks up to us. We need to set good examples for them to follow.

Choose to engage with your children daily, attend their events, support them, and teach them to be kind and loving. After all, your children learn the most by watching you.

And taking a few seconds out of your day to do something kind for someone else, can leave a lasting impact.

A well-known quote from Mother Theresa goes, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”

So if you want to make the world a better place but are still not sure what to do, pick any of these 10 tips and you will be right.

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May 12, 2023



May 12, 2023

Thank you 🙏🏻


May 12, 2023

Thank you this has been very helpful 🙏🏼

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